REMAKING Project: Remote-working multiple impacts in the age of disruptions

REMAKING project aims to analyze how remote working affects individuals, in companies or oganisations and in the socio-economic sphere, specifically along four case studies: enforced migration workers, digital nomads, post-pandemic workers and High-Tech skilled workers.

INCA Project: Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability

INCA project aims to analyze how the corporate power of GAFAM (in reference to Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft) is influencing wider aspects of our societies, specifically along three dimensions: politics, economy, and public opinion.

FoodLAND Africa: FOOD and Local, Agricultural and Nutritional Diversity

FoodLAND project aims to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, while strengthening agro-biodiversity and food diversity as well as diversity of healthy diets.

Fork 2 Fork

Fork2Fork initiative is about the benefits of buying fresh, direct and local food. We developed the site's CMS along with the automatic Twitter information extracting and processing, both on English and Welsh.

Pioneer web application mixing Google Maps API and geolocation