
KIMUAK, catalog of the best basque short films of the year
KIMUAK, the program promoted by the Etxepare Basque Institute and Zineuskadi, chooses and creates a catalog with the best Basque short films to take them to the most important film festivals and audio-visual celebrations.

New website for DIPC - Donostia International Physics Center
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) is a research institution whose mission is to conduct leading edge research in physics and related disciplines, as well as to convey scientific culture to society. Excellence in Science and Excellence in Communication are their objectives, and to help them achieve them we have collaborated in developing their new web platform.

New website for the Basque Summer University
We have updated the website of the Basque Summer University, both technically and aesthetically. Using the CMS Plone 6 and Volto.

ULMA Architectural, a website in constant improvement
We have recently carried out and continue to work on different services for our client Ulma Architectural. We appreciate the trust that the client has placed in us with the aim of keeping the web alive and always with the hope of improving.
Other projects

New catalogue tool from ULMA Packaging
ULMA Packaging, a benchmark in the packaging solutions sector, has developed a new application to facilitate access to its digital product catalogues and make them more useful for users.

NEM-EMERGE Project: Combating Invasive and Virulent Nematodes
The NEM-EMERGE project is focused on the most harmful soil pathogens by exploring the central drivers of their emergence and proliferation. NEM-EMERGE is structured in the implementation of seven interrelated work packages.

Sagardoaren Lurraldea: Reserve system
Book your plan in the reservation system we have developed for Sagardoaren Lurraldea and enjoy the cider culture as you prefer.

REMAKING Project: Remote-working multiple impacts in the age of disruptions
REMAKING project aims to analyze how remote working affects individuals, in companies or oganisations and in the socio-economic sphere, specifically along four case studies: enforced migration workers, digital nomads, post-pandemic workers and High-Tech skilled workers.

ULMA Begira, news from the ULMA industrial Group
We have collaborated in the development and launch of the digital version of the ULMA BEGIRA magazine, Begira ULMA´s LATEST, that includes the news of the ULMA Industrial Group. The CMS or Content Management System used to bring the information to the Internet has been PLONE.

KANALDUDE TV, new website
We have developed the website for Kanaldude, a television in Basque language from the French Basque Country, in collaboration with Aldudarrak Bideo. Among other things, visual quality and viewing options have been improved.

New website for Deba City Council
We have updated the web platform of the Deba City Council, using the CMS Plone 6 and Volto.

INCA Project: Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability
INCA project aims to analyze how the corporate power of GAFAM (in reference to Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft) is influencing wider aspects of our societies, specifically along three dimensions: politics, economy, and public opinion.

TuLankide 2020
TuLankide is the website that gathers all the news about Mondragon Corporation and its companies. We've worked on the new website with the open source CMS Plone.

The LOWINFOOD project is an initiative of a consortium of several entities that focuses on finding solutions to all the food that goes to waste. CodeSyntax has been in charge of designing and developing the website, using the CMS Wordpress.

FoodLAND Africa: FOOD and Local, Agricultural and Nutritional Diversity
FoodLAND project aims to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, while strengthening agro-biodiversity and food diversity as well as diversity of healthy diets.

Baltistan Foundation
Baltistan Fundazioa is an NGO of international cooperation for development that works in Baltistan, Pakistan. We've designed and developed the new website using Plone as CMS