Apr 24, 2024
On 17 April, our global community celebrated World Plone Day, an event that highlights the importance of this Python-based open source content management system. Plone is not only a powerful tool for developing secure websites, it represents a vibrant community of developers, designers and users collaborating to improve Plone as well.

On this special day, we want to aknowledge Plone's achievements and how it has made digital content management easier for organisations around the world. From its intuitive interface to its flexible architecture, Plone has established itself as a market-leading solution.

But beyond the technology, World Plone Day is a testament to the collaborative spirit that drives innovation. Throughout the 24-hour event, people from different countries and cultures shared their experiences, knowledge and passion for Plone. This multicultural exchange not only enriches our understanding of Plone, but also strengthens the bonds of our community. Videos of the online event can be found in Plone's Youtube channel.

Once again, CodeSyntax has made its small contribution to the World Plone Day and prepared a video with examples of Volto Addons.

Last year, CodeSyntax, together with the Plone Foundation, organised the twentieth edition of the conference. This year's conference will be held in Brasilia, Brazil, from 25 November to 1 December.

As we look to the future, we are excited about the possibilities that Plone offers. With each update and each new project, Plone continues to evolve, and we continue to evolve with it. So, whether you're just taking your first steps in Plone or you're a Plone expert, we invite you to be part of this wonderful community and if you have any problems with Plone, don't hesitate to contact us.

Happy World Plone Day!



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